Monday, January 25, 2010

Thankfuls 41-60

"Thankfulness is how you think; joy is the abundance it produces."
- Debi Pearl

41. the Holy Spirit

42. snowflakes

43. more baby smiles

44. 5 hours of sleep (IN A ROW!)

45. friends who will drive 8 hours just to visit us

46. violin lessons in which Emmie-girl learns to play(?) Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

47. a Dr cousin who gave of his time to go to Haiti to help

48. business trips that make me appreciate Hubby even more (my heart hurts when he is away)

49. sweet tea- even in
Southern Illinois

50. can I say it again? FLANNEL SHEETS!!!

51. children who love hot chocolate

52. two sweet birthdays in the house this week- and one in SC!

53. a boy who sings as he goes

54. rolling hills and views everywhere

55. waking to the sound of geese on the pond

56. cheese toast


58. kids who love their baby brother

59. sunshine (it's been cloudy a lot lately)

60. making new friends

1 comment:

Homeschool Friend said...

OHhhhhh...I love this list!!! Thanks for sharing!