Monday, January 25, 2010

A funny...

So yesterday, the whole crew went to church with Roger. We don't always go with him- he is in a different church every week. This church asked that we come with him, so we did. Anyway, this is a tiny church and I immediately ask the all important questions so that I can find out where I can go if Isaiah gets hungry. How about the basement? Sure, but we have turned the men's bathroom at the back of the sanctuary into a sort of office, and you are welcome to go in there. Great! So, about half-way through the sermon, Isaiah starts to fuss and I know that he is hungry, so we head out to the men's room. All is well-- for a while. I did have the foresight to lock the door. Soon I hear a little rattle and then more and then whispers "there's someone in the mens' room". I am not in a position to just jump up and leave- if you get my meaning. Babies don't like it when you abruptly end their meal! No problem, I think. They will just use the girl's room. It's empty and just across the 3 foot wide hallway. NO!! More rattles, more whispering, and giggles. I am getting jumpy and thinking about what I will do if the door bursts open. Maybe they will get someone to pick the lock? Talk about being caught at your finest hour! Finally, Isaiah finishes, and we open the door to two boys hanging out in the hallway (which is really the back of the sanctuary). "Are you kidding me?" I ask them. "Couldn't you use the bathroom across the hall?" (did I mention that it is 3 FEET AWAY!!) Sheepish looks and more giggles. Now- that's one way to get out of sitting in church!