Monday, January 18, 2010

Thankfuls 21-40

21. baby smiles!

22. boys home safely.

23. how was the youth trip- "Great"!

24. fish dinner from our very own pond

25. doctors who take time to know you

26. pink sunsets

27. friends who call just to say hi

28. baby wipes- nuf said!

29. mistos at Starbucks

30. books on IPOD

31. books on paper

32. any book!

33. girls who send their friends "presents" in the mail- sorry mailman!

34. being able to help someone in need

35. Grandparents who demand new pictures of baby

36. taking in strays

37. freedom to worship

38. Mylanta drops- known as "happy juice for baby" around here

39. children who love to sing

40. chocolate

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