Monday, January 18, 2010

Could you say no to these eyes?

Yesterday afternoon on my way to Bible Study at church, I passed an old church near our house. There was a dog sleeping on the stoop. It was odd to see it there, because there are no houses nearby. I wondered why it was there, but went on my way. I mentioned it to Roger that night, but didn't think about it again until... this afternoon on my way home. Same church, same stoop, same dog! Of course I had to stop and check her out- she'd been there overnight. So, here she is- could you say no? Dutifully, I have left a message at the animal shelter, and yes, I called both vets in town- no luck so far. We wonder if she was dropped off by someone who can't care for her anymore. Kind of like a baby on the church stoop?

So, what should we name her? The names being tossed about are:
  • Hoover (like the vacuum- they do eat everything off of the floor!) (Caroline)
  • Chubacka (did I spell that right?) (Roger)
  • Aragorn (Sam)
  • Pippin (she's too big) (Caroline)
  • Jada (Emmie)
  • Dog (Bennett) Any ideas??

1 comment:

N Dyess said...

She is cute! And I believe it is Chewbacca. I know it is very sad that I know that. My suggestion on a name would be Riley or Sydney. Just my input. She looks happy! Does Tory have a new sister?