Thursday, April 23, 2009

Morning sickness?

Week 6

Whoever called it morning sickness must have been a man!! Try- all day sickness! I find myself wondering how something as small as a grain of rice can make me feel so terrible?!? True to form, I began feeling bad on the first day of week 6, and if it happens just like the other three, it will end on the first day of week 12! I must be getting old- 6 weeks of this seems to be more than I can handle. I am of Advanced Maternal Age, as my MIL so lovingly pointed out!! Maybe that's it! Of course, moving could have something to do with the overwhelmingness of it all (is that a word? well it is now!) I promise not to whine- I am thrilled with God's graceful gift of this new baby! So suck it up- Ferrell! But- I digress with this last question- how can something that cute make me want to puke?!?!

1 comment:

Homeschool Friend said...



