Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why would a family with four kids want another child... part 2.

There are 143,000,000 orphans in the world

• There are an additional 20,000,000 “displaced children” in the world
• The combined count of these categories makes the orphan
population the 7th largest nation on the planet – slightly larger than
the population of Russia
• In Eastern Europe, less than 50% of the orphan population will live
to see their 20th birthdays
• In Eastern Europe, of the orphans that survive their 20th birthdays,
50% will end up in organized crime, drugs, or prostitution
• In Africa, homeless children are armed and used for war
• In Africa, there is a concerted effort to extend children’s lives
beyond 5 years of age
• In the US, 25,000 children will leave the foster care system without
• 25% of these foster children become homeless,
• 56% of these emancipated foster care children enter the
unemployment ranks
• 27% of the emancipated male children in foster care end up in jail
• 30% of the emancipated females in foster care experience early
• 30,000 children in foster care are simply dropped from state care
because they have run away
• In the US, most young adults ages 18 – 24 still live at home with
their parents, while approximately 25,000 children are annually
released at age 18 from the foster care system without families to
support them.”

There are so many. We want to share the blessings that God has given us with one of these children. To make a difference in their life, and in the lives of their children, and grandchildren...

Please help us raise the money to start our home study. Every day we spend raising funds is one more day a child remains an orphan.

Check out our fundraiser here

or press the donate button to the right.


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