Monday, October 18, 2010


Some random pictures of my wanderings..

I go to Weaver's Country Market at least once a week. It is owned and run by a Mennonite family, and all of their goods are natural and yummy! I get eggs, butter, cheese, bread, and whatever goodies we want for the week.

You can tell a Mennonite home around here, because
they all have scripture placed at their mailbox.

This is the tombstone for King Neptune, the mascot pig for the navy in the 40s. I kid you not- he has his own turnout on the highway and everything!
Google him if you want the story!

Midnight marauders enjoying the dog food on the back porch!

The last of the season's color!

This was the scene a few miles up the road- how cute is this? I wonder what the story is and who got engaged! I have been tempted to stop in and ask!!

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