Friday, August 14, 2009


We have certainly had some difficulty lately. Our oldest has suffered some fainting episodes which has put us in the emergency room, the pediatrician's office, the neurolgist's office, the EEG lab, and finally the MRI lab. Now we wait. We won't have the results of the tests until sometime next week, however, the Neurologist was very positive and not especially concerned. I have felt peace about the entire ordeal, not really believing that something may be wrong, but when the Dr tells you they have found "spots" on your baby's brain, you can't help but feel a little tingle up the spine. Yesterday, when we were at the Children's Hospital, Roger and I kept looking at each other and whispering how thankful we are to have healthy children. Watching your child laying still on a table with his head wrapped in gauze really gives you something to think about.
On the one hand, I am so thankful that our kids are healthy and with us, but on the other, I would rejoice in their homecoming to their Lord and Savior. Kind of a weird place to be! Not that I wouldn't grieve them, but I am so thankful that they have a relationship with Jesus and that even if earthly healing didn't occur, heavenly healing would.
My favorite verse (this week!) is Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You".

1 comment:

Homeschool Friend said...

Dear Caroline,

I havent checked my blogroll until now so I am just now reading this. I am so sorry. I wil be praying and will tell Matt about this so he can pray too. Please let us know how he is doing and what the doctor says.

I love you, Marietta oxoxoxo