Anywho- they left a bunch of stuff. I mean a bunch. It's like they took what they needed and walked out. I am reminded a little of Connemara, Carl Sandburg's home, that's a museum now. When Mrs. Sandburg left, she only took what she needed (she even left her purse on the chair) and it is all still in place! We are daily finding new treasures. Here's a few:
- a piano!!!!! I mean a beautiful Kawai piano. Nicer than any we have every had.
- a truck!! I kid you not! They did not want to move the truck. We did pay them $500 but a quick search of Kelley Blue Book shows that it's worth $3100!!!! YeeHaw!!
- a container of handmade quilts and quilt tops! (pictures to come)
- oodles of tools
- tables and chairs
- beach chairs
- some kind of grinder thing- hopefully for grain?
- books and more books
- pots and pans
- canning jars
- rugs
- a fooseball table
- hangers in every closet
- fencing
- 3 desks
- 2 desk chairs
- art work
- 2 refrigerators
- a HUGE wardrobe (perfect for pretending Narnia! minus the furs of course!)
- shelving
- a chipper
- a tiller
- loads of batteries
- a pantry full of organic groceries
- a fridge full of organic groceries (almond breeze "milk" anyone?)
- plants
- mirrors
- lamps
- LOTS of birdseed
- all kinds of other seed
- and Much more!