Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Sam!

I now have two teenagers! Sam turns 13 today! How to describe Sam
Musician, artist, funny, sweet, smart, quirky, godly, Sam!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tiny feet and life!

Last night at church, we were treated to a talk by a man who has made life his cause. The life of innocent babies that is. As the anniversary of Roe Vs. Wade just passed, we have been more aware of the issues surrounding the issue of abortion. Not to mention the fact that we just had a new baby. All of that makes the issue more personal. This gentleman invited us to make our presence known at an abortion clinic here in IL. Our kids asked if we can go one Saturday- yay, we will make plans for that.

The bad news is that this one clinic has been responsible for over 430,000 deaths since the mid 70's! Can you believe that? I have a hard time wrapping my brain around that number. EVIL!

The good news is that because of the prayer and protests of a few, over 200o babies have been saved. The clinic that used to be open 6 days a week, is now only open 3 days a week. Those who go to pray at the clinic regularly see women change their mind. These warriors for life even have an ultrasound machine in a van in the parking lot that they offer free to anyone who wants to look. Wow!

The ladies mission group at our church is collecting items for the crisis pregnancy center that serves our small community. They are in desperate need. They cut packs of diapers in half because they don't have enough to give a full pack to a new mom. Take a minute and find out about the crisis pregnancy centers in your area and how you can help.

We can't only denounce the evil that is done. For those who choose wrongly, it brings to mind 2 Timothy 25-26:
Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, 26and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.

We must love- we must give hope, and we must serve those that choose life.

So, so 'cited...

That's what Bennett used to say when he was excited- Mom, I am so so 'cited. Well, so are we! We have a super weekend ahead. Two birthdays to celebrate- Sam will be 13 on Saturday, and Roger will be (drum roll) 39 on Monday! Yay! AND on top of that our very good, dear friends, the Dyess family, are on their way as we speak from Georgia. They should blow in with the Winter Storm we are awaiting!
Sledding, cocoa, games, music, birthdays, good friends- what more could we ask for!!
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Baby Boy

Take my picture now? I haven't combed my hair!

Oh Mother- I adore you! Wait!

Wait! There's my ceiling fan! I love my ceiling fan!

Does he grant his adoring mother a smile? NO! It's all about the ceiling fan!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

A funny...

So yesterday, the whole crew went to church with Roger. We don't always go with him- he is in a different church every week. This church asked that we come with him, so we did. Anyway, this is a tiny church and I immediately ask the all important questions so that I can find out where I can go if Isaiah gets hungry. How about the basement? Sure, but we have turned the men's bathroom at the back of the sanctuary into a sort of office, and you are welcome to go in there. Great! So, about half-way through the sermon, Isaiah starts to fuss and I know that he is hungry, so we head out to the men's room. All is well-- for a while. I did have the foresight to lock the door. Soon I hear a little rattle and then more and then whispers "there's someone in the mens' room". I am not in a position to just jump up and leave- if you get my meaning. Babies don't like it when you abruptly end their meal! No problem, I think. They will just use the girl's room. It's empty and just across the 3 foot wide hallway. NO!! More rattles, more whispering, and giggles. I am getting jumpy and thinking about what I will do if the door bursts open. Maybe they will get someone to pick the lock? Talk about being caught at your finest hour! Finally, Isaiah finishes, and we open the door to two boys hanging out in the hallway (which is really the back of the sanctuary). "Are you kidding me?" I ask them. "Couldn't you use the bathroom across the hall?" (did I mention that it is 3 FEET AWAY!!) Sheepish looks and more giggles. Now- that's one way to get out of sitting in church!

Thankfuls 41-60

"Thankfulness is how you think; joy is the abundance it produces."
- Debi Pearl

41. the Holy Spirit

42. snowflakes

43. more baby smiles

44. 5 hours of sleep (IN A ROW!)

45. friends who will drive 8 hours just to visit us

46. violin lessons in which Emmie-girl learns to play(?) Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

47. a Dr cousin who gave of his time to go to Haiti to help

48. business trips that make me appreciate Hubby even more (my heart hurts when he is away)

49. sweet tea- even in
Southern Illinois

50. can I say it again? FLANNEL SHEETS!!!

51. children who love hot chocolate

52. two sweet birthdays in the house this week- and one in SC!

53. a boy who sings as he goes

54. rolling hills and views everywhere

55. waking to the sound of geese on the pond

56. cheese toast


58. kids who love their baby brother

59. sunshine (it's been cloudy a lot lately)

60. making new friends

Wednesday, January 20, 2010



by: Carl Sandburg (1878-1967)

      HE fog comes
      on little cat feet.
      It sits looking
      over harbor and city
      on silent haunches
      and then moves on.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dog be gone

So, this morning, the kids and I took Dog back to the place where we found her. We figured that if she was from around there she would go home during the day or maybe someone who knew her would see her. We went back late this afternoon, and she was gone. Hopefully home. We'll keep an eye out for her, but it is warm here right now and she should be fine even if she is outside. So long Dog!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Could you say no to these eyes?

Yesterday afternoon on my way to Bible Study at church, I passed an old church near our house. There was a dog sleeping on the stoop. It was odd to see it there, because there are no houses nearby. I wondered why it was there, but went on my way. I mentioned it to Roger that night, but didn't think about it again until... this afternoon on my way home. Same church, same stoop, same dog! Of course I had to stop and check her out- she'd been there overnight. So, here she is- could you say no? Dutifully, I have left a message at the animal shelter, and yes, I called both vets in town- no luck so far. We wonder if she was dropped off by someone who can't care for her anymore. Kind of like a baby on the church stoop?

So, what should we name her? The names being tossed about are:
  • Hoover (like the vacuum- they do eat everything off of the floor!) (Caroline)
  • Chubacka (did I spell that right?) (Roger)
  • Aragorn (Sam)
  • Pippin (she's too big) (Caroline)
  • Jada (Emmie)
  • Dog (Bennett) Any ideas??

Thankfuls 21-40

21. baby smiles!

22. boys home safely.

23. how was the youth trip- "Great"!

24. fish dinner from our very own pond

25. doctors who take time to know you

26. pink sunsets

27. friends who call just to say hi

28. baby wipes- nuf said!

29. mistos at Starbucks

30. books on IPOD

31. books on paper

32. any book!

33. girls who send their friends "presents" in the mail- sorry mailman!

34. being able to help someone in need

35. Grandparents who demand new pictures of baby

36. taking in strays

37. freedom to worship

38. Mylanta drops- known as "happy juice for baby" around here

39. children who love to sing

40. chocolate

Monday, January 11, 2010

holy experience

I have been reading several blogs that have been doing a gratitude journal of sorts for a while. What a great way to start the new year. We have but to stop and take notice of all of the wondrous blessings in our lives! Join me?

Gifts number 1-20:

1. Grace

2. Love of my family

3. Snow covered hills

4.A full pantry

5. A warm house

6. kids who love being homeschooled

7. that my heart still hurts when my husband is away from me on a business trip

8. baby snuggles in the middle of the night

9. music

10. worship

11. kitties

12. a job

13. hot chocolate

14. flannel sheets

15. seeing the sunrise AND the sunset on the same day

16. smelly candles

17. hot showers

18. playing board games

19. good books

20. pillows

Catching Up!

It seems like yesterday that I posted- and then I looked at the date- December!!! Wow- time flies. Christmas was good, it was nice to snuggle in and stay put! We had pizza for Christmas dinner- it was the kids idea and you would have thought that they were having filet mignon! Isaiah is growing and is above 10 pounds. He will be 5 weeks old tomorrow (gasp!) He is beautiful!

We had our first snow last week. It has stuck around since it has been so cold! It is beautiful around here!

Finally- new pictures of Isaiah. Growing so fast I feel like if I just stood and watched him, I would see him gain an inch or so! He is starting to smile for us and loves to look around and everything. The ceiling fan see,s to be particularly fascinating!

Hope your new year is already fabulous!