Last night at church, we were treated to a talk by a man who has made
life his cause. The life of innocent babies that is. As the anniversary of Roe Vs. Wade just passed, we have been more aware of the issues surrounding the issue of abortion. Not to mention the fact that we just had a new baby. All of that makes the issue more personal. This gentleman invited us to make our presence known at an abortion clinic here in IL. Our kids asked if we can go one Saturday- yay, we will make plans for that.
The bad news is that this one clinic has been responsible for over 430,000 deaths since the mid 70's! Can you believe that? I have a hard time wrapping my brain around that number. EVIL!
The good news is that because of the prayer and protests of a few, over 200o babies have been saved. The clinic that used to be open 6 days a week, is now only open 3 days a week. Those who go to pray at the clinic regularly see women change their mind. These warriors for life even have an ultrasound machine in a van in the parking lot that they offer free to anyone who wants to look. Wow!
The ladies mission group at our church is collecting items for the crisis pregnancy center that serves our small community. They are in desperate need. They cut packs of diapers in half because they don't have enough to give a full pack to a new mom. Take a minute and find out about the crisis pregnancy centers in your area and how you can help.
We can't only denounce the evil that is done. For those who choose wrongly, it brings to mind 2 Timothy 25-26
25Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth,
26and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.
We must love- we must give hope, and we must serve those that choose